Hi there!
I am Gonzalo Rodríguez-Baltanás Díaz, I am a Ruby on Rails developer based in Spain. I do contract work but I have also launched my own projects.
I love participating in open source projects and using cutting edge technologies. I hold both a degree on Computer Science and a MBA by the university Pablo de Olavide. My hobbies are swimming, running, photography and reading.
A Datepicker ready to use for Rails.
A Text editor ready to use for Rails.
I joined Team Satchel as senior developer. Team Satchel is building an excellent School Management System.
June 2019I did a theatre performance: La chica de Ayer.
June 2019I organised a series of presentations about testing. I made a presentation on how to use RSpec to test in an effective manner. The presentation is available here.
May 2019Presented at the local Ruby on Rails group in Seville. I talked about how to use the Interactor pattern to simplify a codebase. The presentation is available here.
March 2019Launched Coku-App, a kick ass web application for managing coworking spaces.
September 2018Stayed in Czech Republic for an acceleration programme for CokuApp.
May 2018Participated in entrepreneruship workshop Seville Startup Weekend International. My team won with a blockchain-based project.
May 2018Participated in an entrepreneruship course – iLoveEmprender – and won.
April 2018I quit my job in order to focus on my own startup
February 2017Participated in Startup Weekend Global Battle
November 2016Participated in Startup Weekend Seville > Gamification and videogames (ranked 2º best team, woot!)
October 2016Joined Haiku Learning as a freelancer
July 2016Started developing a software for coworking spaces.
January 2016Participated in Startup Weekend Global Battle: Seville
November 2015Contributed to the Hanami project, a very well designed ruby web framework.
October 2015Completed the MBA
October 2015Started studying an MBA at Pablo de Olavide University
November 2014Upgraded Google authentication system from OpenID Connect to oAuth 2. Haiku Learning
April 2014Designed, coded and launched Eucalipto, a product designed for dental clinics. Ruby on Rails & MongoDB
September 2013Open-sourced bootstrap-typeahead-rails
August 2013Led team efforts to implement a Ruby on Rails 3 API by extracting behavior from a monolithic Ruby on Rails 1.2.6 app. Haiku Learning
May 2013Open-sourced uboost-client, a ruby client for the Uboost API
October 2012Implemented a gamification system in Haiku LMS by integrating with Uboost and Credly. Haiku Learning.
July 2013Started contributing to Ruby on Rails
2013 DecemberOpen-sourced a ruby client for the Credly API
July 2012Joined Haiku Learning as a Ruby on Rails developer.
June 2012Open-sourced bootstrap-datepicker-rails. With 450,695 downloads it ought to be the most popular datepicker in rails.
March 2012Open-sourced bootstrap-wysihtml5-rails
March 2012Open-sourced DaVinci LMS, a small Learning Management System. Ruby on Rails + MongoDB.
February 2012Graduated in Computer Science by the University Pablo de Olavide.
January 2012Open-sourced Bloodchalice, a dungeon video-game in ruby. Part of Mendicant Core course
September 2011Open-sourced pugnacious_juices, a video-game coded in Ray, a Ruby game engine. Part of Mendicant Core course
September 2011Open-sourced Wordcram, a JRuby wrapper for the java word cloud generator Wordcram. Part of Mendicant Core course
September 2011I was mentored by Gregory Brown in the Mendicant University Core course. Graduated as alumni
September 2010I spent a year as a Computer Science Erasmus student in the university Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium.
September 2010 - July 2011B2 Advanced English, Official Academy of languages of Spain
September 2010Discovered Ruby on Rails. Spent the following week reading Agile Web Development with Rails 9 hours a day. Decided I wanted to become a professional Ruby on Rails developer. Best decision in my life.
March 2010Open-sourced UPO: The game. A space shooter coded in Python and Pygame.
2009Started studying Computer Science at the University Pablo de Olavide
2008Studied one year of Biology. Got bored and decided that I wanted to make video-games.
2007Graduated from high school
2006Coded my first website. An image of Yoda smoking weed, inside a carousel, centered using a table. True story bro :)
2004Installed Gentoo, a linux distro. Customised the Linux Kernel and compiled every single package. No GUI. I had way too much free time back then.
2002The journey begins