© Copyright 2019 Gonzalo Rodríguez-Baltanás Díaz - All Rights Reserved

The things you may discover when going out for a walk

I quit my job at Haiku Learning a few weeks ago. It was an awesome job. I worked in very interesting projects that gave me the opportunity to learn; from designing graphical charts with D3JS, to creating API servers and clients, to micro-services and Rails Engines. Thanks to all these projects I have a very solid command of Ruby on Rails and the design principles that guide the creation of maintainable code.

But I lost something when I started working full time. I lost the opportunity to create my own products. My own projects. And that’s exactly where my passion lies.

So quit my job.

I joined a MBA in the university Pablo De Olavide to improve my business skills. I will tell you how that goes :)


© Copyright 2019 Gonzalo Rodríguez-Baltanás Díaz - All Rights Reserved